
development status Learn more about development status

  • The growth status of grassland vegetation in July prefers drought in some areas.

    The growth status of grassland vegetation in July prefers drought in some areas.

    According to the comprehensive analysis of ground observation, satellite remote sensing and meteorological data of the Ministry of Agriculture, the overall growth status of grassland vegetation in July this year is more preferred than that of the same period in the normal year, but it is deviated from that of the previous year, and part of the grassland drought continues to develop. From a regional point of view, 24% of the grass in the country

    2016-03-20 In July grassland vegetation growth condition perennial preference
  • Development status and Prospect of Broiler breeding Industry

    Development status and Prospect of Broiler breeding Industry

    Development status and Prospect of Broiler breeding Industry

  • Planting status and Development suggestions of Pinellia ternata

    Planting status and Development suggestions of Pinellia ternata

    Planting status and Development suggestions of Pinellia ternata

  • Development status and trend of Broiler Industry in China

    Development status and trend of Broiler Industry in China

    Development status and trend of Broiler Industry in China

  • If you want to get rich in the second half of the year, you must change the status quo of the three zodiac signs.

    If you want to get rich in the second half of the year, you must change the status quo of the three zodiac signs.

    If you want to get rich in the second half of the year, you must change the status quo of the three zodiac signs.

  • Pig semen-the Vector of virus Transmission (4)

    Pig semen-the Vector of virus Transmission (4)

    Pig semen-the Vector of virus Transmission (4)

  • There is only one word difference between this foreign fruit and Tianshan snow lotus, but its status is very different.

    There is only one word difference between this foreign fruit and Tianshan snow lotus, but its status is very different.

    With the development of the global economy, cultural and economic exchanges between countries are increasing, and things that have never been seen before have gradually come into people's lives, which is a good thing for people, not only to see the lives of other people in the world.

  • Open up the channel for farmers to become blue-collar middle-income groups through reform

    Open up the channel for farmers to become blue-collar middle-income groups through reform

    The decision of the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee put forward that the dual structure of urban and rural areas is the main obstacle to the integration of urban and rural areas. We must improve the system and mechanism to form a new type of urban-rural relationship of promoting agriculture by industry, leading villages by cities, mutual benefit between workers and farmers, and the integration of urban and rural areas, so that the broad masses of farmers can participate in the present on an equal footing.

    2016-01-10 Therefore reform opening up agriculture civil change blue-collar middle income groups
  • Development status and Countermeasures of Valeriana officinalis in Enshi Prefecture

    Development status and Countermeasures of Valeriana officinalis in Enshi Prefecture

    The present situation and countermeasures of the development of Valeriana officinalis in Enshi Prefecture the active ingredient of Valeriana officinalis has a sedative effect and has a good effect on the treatment of depression. it is an important raw material for the production of sleeping pills, tranquilizers and tonifying drugs.

  • The temptation of bubbles

    The temptation of bubbles

    Wen: DaDa everyone knows that tulip is a kind of flower name, but who has ever thought that a small tulip once set off a huge economic wave. This book, called Tulip mania, records what happened in the 17 th century.

  • Status and classification of respiratory diseases

    Status and classification of respiratory diseases

    Respiratory disease is the abbreviation of respiratory disease, starting from the nose of the upper respiratory tract, to the bronchi and alveoli of the lower respiratory tract, from the outside, the respiratory disease is connected to the head, neck and chest.

  • Rules and procedures of Green Food label Certification

    Rules and procedures of Green Food label Certification

    Green food refers to the safe, high-quality edible agricultural products and related products that are produced in a good ecological environment, produced in accordance with green food standards, carried out whole-process quality control and obtained the right to use green food labels. Green food certification is based on the "green food logo"

    2020-11-27 Green food logo certification rules and process
  • How to reduce the diseases of cultured grouper

    How to reduce the diseases of cultured grouper

    With the breakthrough of artificial reproduction and culture technology of grouper, the scale of grouper culture continues to expand, especially the industrial circulating water culture model has become an important support for the development of grouper culture industry in northern China in recent years. however, large-scale outbreaks of grouper diseases are also important.

    2020-11-08 How to reduce culture grouper disease along with
  • Breeding of antler deer

    Breeding of antler deer

    The physiological characteristics of antler deer sexual maturity and appropriate first mating age sexual maturity is the reproductive physiological maturity, when the deer can produce mature sperm and eggs, and have sexual behavior. The sexual maturity of antler deer is related to breed, type, sex, genetic status, nutritional status and ontogeny. Sika deer is earlier than red deer, females are earlier than males, and the same breed of deer have good nutritional status and rapid ontogenetic sexual maturity. General maturity period: sika female deer is about 16 months old, well-developed deer reaches sexual maturity at 7 months old, male deer is 20.

  • Breeding and breeding of antler deer

    Breeding and breeding of antler deer

    The physiological characteristics of antler deer sexual maturity and appropriate first mating age sexual maturity is the reproductive physiological maturity, when the deer can produce mature sperm and eggs, and have sexual behavior. The sexual maturity of antler deer is related to breed, type, sex, genetic status, nutritional status and ontogeny. Sika deer is earlier than red deer, females are earlier than males, and the same breed of deer have good nutritional status and rapid ontogenetic sexual maturity. General mature period: the sika deer is about 16 months old and develops well.

  • Technical points of checking whether pigs are healthy or not

    Technical points of checking whether pigs are healthy or not

    At present, pig production in China is still dominated by free-range farming. However, due to the lack of scientific knowledge and concept of pig raising, the scientific and technological content of pig breeding, feed preparation, feeding management and disease prevention in production and operation is very low. There have been some problems in pig production, such as slow weight gain, low feed utilization rate, low management efficiency and even loss. Breeders and veterinary technicians should inspect and observe the health status of pigs every day and deal with problems in a timely manner. In order to check the health of pigs, it is generally necessary to master the following skills.

  • Development status of Waterfowl Industry in China

    Development status of Waterfowl Industry in China

    Development status of Waterfowl Industry in China

  • Production status and Development Strategy of Nanguo Pear in Haicheng City

    Production status and Development Strategy of Nanguo Pear in Haicheng City

    Nanguo pear is a characteristic industry in Haicheng area. with its moderate fruit, bright color, delicate pulp, sweet and sour palatability, rich and unique flavor and other advantages, Nanguo pear can be called Jiaozi in the fruit, one of the best in the world, and is deeply welcomed by consumers all over the country. 1. The booming Nanguo pear industry at present, there are 20 towns (farms) in Haicheng, more than 300 villages cultivate Nanguo pear, more than 200,000 people are engaged in Nanguo pear industry, the total area of Nanguo pear is more than 300,000 mu, the total number of plants is more than 1000 million, the annual output is about 150000 tons, and the output value is more than 450 million yuan.

  • Fishery development: feeding in cage culture is not wasted, and underwater monitoring system can prevent fish from escaping.

    Fishery development: feeding in cage culture is not wasted, and underwater monitoring system can prevent fish from escaping.

    The yellowfin tuna culture program carried out by the Water Test Institute has come to an end for the time being. Although it has yielded results, the operators are still waiting and watching. The reality is cruel, and what they are facing is the market problem, because the price of yellowfin tuna is not high enough. Before reversing consumers' impression of yellowfin tuna, the willingness of operators to cultivate yellowfin tuna is low.

  • Breeding techniques of Egg Duck

    Breeding techniques of Egg Duck

    With the consumer demand for egg duck, China's egg duck market has become larger and larger, more and more perfect, egg duck breeding has become the first choice for livestock farmers or laid-off workers. Physiological characteristics of laying ducks 1. Reproductive physiology between ducks and other poultry

    2020-11-08 Egg duck breeding technology with consumers yes egg duck